beachkini Microbikini silver Dot, originally uploaded by beachkini_microbikinis.
New beachkini Model 2010. minibeach 200 black- silver Dot Microbikini.
beachkini Microbikini silver Dot, originally uploaded by beachkini_microbikinis.
New beachkini Model 2010. minibeach 200 black- silver Dot Microbikini.
Syren De Mer, originally uploaded by Wild Allusions.
Syren De Mer
We’ve had quite a heat wave here in the Seattle area this week. Fortunately, as you can see, I managed to make the best of it!
This is Adult Performer Syren De Mer.
In all honesty, I had no idea who she was or what she did for a living when I took these pictures. She was just sitting around looking pretty at the recent Black Mist Bikini-Bash, so I asked her to shoot. Given her dramatic physique, I showed her a few exotic swimsuits and that, so-to-speak, was that.
We had quite a fan club going on during this shoot – both on and off shore. We had kayakers, boaters, and many very appreciative male locals.
The Slingshot Bikini shown here has now been officially retired from my prop-bag and given to Syren. If you ever see Syren wandering around a local Seattle area beach wearing it, you’ve got me to thank…
Slingshot Bikini, originally uploaded by Wild Allusions.
Slingshot Bikini
The type of swimsuit here is a “Slingshot”, “Slingshot Bikini”, or “Sling Bikini”, depending on who you ask. They’re typically worn by women doing bikini-contests, fitness contests, or other “posing” related activities. For anyone who cares, the swimsuit in this shot is called a Ceci – it’s made by Roma and sold by Bikini Beach.
Sexy blond wears wicked weasel bikini bottom only on Sydney Australia beach. Topless is common in Australia. This babe doesn’t even own a bikini top. Her tits & nipples are always out there for all to see in public.
Me suntanning topless in a thong bikini, originally uploaded by Studdenfadden.
Me suntanning topless in a thong bikini
If you like the pic, then please leave a comment 🙂
Two beautifull people with great bodies and perfect butts in a thong. Showing love… I’m happy i can also thong with my gf at the beach. Hopefully this picture inspires more men to wear a thong with their gf/wife as you see that there are numerous females that like a man in a thong.